Tuesday, July 5, 2016

First set of guitars tracked down

Got the first song's final rhytm guitars recorded today. Sweaty task, but also enjoyable. It can be surprisingly hard to play so slow, especially for such a grindfreak that I have always been. It would be so easy to start going faster, faster ... but instead I'll go slower and slower.

I also went through the drums of the song and tweaked some sounds there, as well. Noticed something needing a fix and got it sorted out. Then adjusted a good demo volume level for just drums + guitars mix, and listening to the song just like that ...

How does it make me feel? Awesome. ^_^

Great to go on from here. Recording all the rhytm guitars for the rest 7 songs is not one day's task, but it depends on inspiration - could well be done already during this week, we'll see.

And as you can see in the pic below, I had a helping paw with the recording, too. Thankfully she wasn't handling the knobs and stuff. Just listening to the soundscapes ... see the tempo effect. ;)

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