Sunday, August 30, 2020

More lyrics ...

Got some nice work done today; 2 songs got lyrics completed and also pretty much arranged as well. Going to work through all the songs this way, first writing around the music and then doing the arrangements. Working like this makes it much easier for recording the actual vocals some day, whenever that is going to happen ... or where. It might happen here where I currently live, or somewhere else. We'll see ...

Anyway, I like how the lyrics go, even that I know it will not be necessarily easy for me to sing them all through, being a native finnish speaking person. Well, there's always room for some challenges. Gotta practice the stuff before recording sessions - and like said, I don't know yet when it might happen (or where, exactly).

Four more songs need lyrics to be written. That's where I'm heading next in coming week as time permits.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

After the summer break

 Well, I did take a summer break as I thought I would, yeah. I've progressed with the album in the meanwhile, during this August mainly. I've got the artwork somewhat done, but some work remains there. To be continued later.

When it comes to the actual music, I started writing lyrics during the summer as ideas started flowing and it seems that there might be a certain theme to the songs. Doomy theme, of course, but not in such a grand scale as in previous albums, necessarily. Should I call it as planetary downshifting in a brutal way? ;)

Anyway, one song has 100 % lyrics completed and I've also arranged the vocals (not recorded anything yet, though). Two other songs have core lyrics / verses prepared, but nothing arranged. And that's where I am currently. Recently I haven't had any time to continue the work, because of multiple things happening.

In any case the work continues. I'm not sure if I can get the release ready in 2020 as some big (positive) life changes are taking place during next few months quite likely. But I'll be working on the album whenever I can and am in a fitting mood for it.