Thursday, October 27, 2016

Vocals experiment, vol2

Continued with the vocals experimentation tonight. With some good results! First I went and sang & recorded the song I tried experimenting yesterday - re-recorded the other channels vocals completely and the result turned out so much better. Now it feels it's approaching the vision I'm having for that song ...

Then I went and started looking other song's lyrics - noticed that I had to write some more lyrics for that song, mainly crafting a weird repeat verse of sorts and then the story returns to certain key point. Felt bit surprising that I had to twist so much more lyrics for the rather short song, but that's how it went ... so be it.

As I got the lyrics fully finished for that other song, I recorded all the lyrics for that song, channel 1. Clean(ish) vocals. Yes! Or should I say yikes? Following the intuition here. Then I went and recorded all the lyrics again, channel 2 - in all different style than yesterday. Combining the two styles the result is kind of surprising. In a good way.

That's not enough though, since I have an idea for getting yet another channel / layer of vocals for that second experiment, but I won't be doing that tonight. Simply because I need my voice to be in good state for tomorrow at my job. :) ... there's also a certain kind of simplistic choir idea for some vocal parts, in some of the songs - gotta see how it goes, lots of things to experiment. Seems that the long break from this project gave all new fire for continuing it and heading to the final stages of this album creating.

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