Monday, May 27, 2019


It's almost a year since I last wrote here. Time sure passes and so on, but I'm not here just to write about how "time flies when it's fun" and cliches like that. I'm here to state that what started about a year ago, recording down one riff for future usage ... that has continued ever since. I only recorded yet another riff for M4D back in October 2018, something that I really liked a lot (and still do, of course). Then winter came and I seemed to have no need to record any riffs down. I didn't feel like "riffin" either. Fast forward to May 2019, this month right now ... and look what has been going on:

Instead of recording one riff down, I've so far recorded five riffs (and some extra variations to some of them) this month alone! And what makes this all special, is the way the melodies have been coming to me. I've been playing guitar almost each evening to our baby (bit over 1 year old currently) and often while playing I've suddenly come up with something so good that I've recorded the riffs for later use. Very doomy riffs, certainly M4D material. And there seems to be a funny formula to how the riffs come & work - when I come up with a special riff, I can't stop playing it but I have to feel it, and I don't have to play it around for more than 5 minutes or so and the baby sleeps heavily. That does not happen all the time, and I feel (there is that word again) strongly that when a melody makes baby sleep fast and easy, it's good stuff to me. :)

Is it happy stuff then? Well, nope. Though not just doomy, miserable stuff either - family member commented some of the riffs like "this sounds like some national anthem thing, just so very miserable at it, huh" ... or "this sounds so sad that it almost makes me cry" ... then there's something that "sounds so happy and oldschool that what is this thing!?" ... So there is variation in the feelings. As there is in life.

I don't really know when I'd start really recording the material though - it happens, when it happens. So far I'm still demoing and putting down ideas. But there is some great, moody base material being born currently.

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