Very productive day once again. It was a very hot day, awesome summer day actually - and I spent most of it indoors tweaking the soundscapes ... hah! Well, I did get a breath of fresh air in the evening. And even some ice cream
(which I'm going to enjoy right after this blog post!) ...
I did work on the material during weekend as well, not all the time but completed about one song worth of space sound painting. This morning I did the rest two songs' space base ambiances. What do I mean by saying
base ambiances? It means literally base ambiance - I intend to record some more sounds still, over the base space elements, but in a different way I recorded the first soundscapes a week or two ago. The plan is to get even more depth to the space / otherwordly soundscapes. And I think it'll turn out great.
The songs seem to go according to sort of numerology, in multiple ways as well. Not only the song order is certain kind of ... well, magic by numbers and tempos, but the same numbers came out in the fact that there are certain amount of songs which have almost zero space sound effects during the actual song
(if not counting possible intros / outros). Same numbers, anyway. Funny coincidence.
After I got the base space soundscapes done today, I went through all the songs and adjusted them into good bouncing stage. Did bounces out of all the eight songs and listened them through twice today with the space elements. Sounds both exciting and good to me. There might still be something to tweak in the space elements, but nothing major. Originally I planned to continue recording space elements already today but ... the above tasks took most of the day, so - I'll continue with space recording tomorrow, so it seems. With all new inspiration, too.
Until next time!