Another music project in the works. This has been opposite to most music projects of mine, the way how it has started. Meaning that usually it's really fast action how the projects start. This project has felt like it's been boiling in the back of my mind for years actually. I can trace it as long backwards as 2001-2002 or so, when I was visioning something that would "mix metal music and ambient music" somehow. That's not the ultimate description for this "mood:doom" project though.
This project got enough shape around when the year 2010 started. What happened was an ultimate decision with Scumfusion, while recording "a Lossidian threnody" release. I've always tried to incorporate doomy / doom metal elements to Scumfusion, which is rather paradoxical as Scumfusion has been about grindcore since the day one. Combining extremely slow form of metal into extremely fast blasting ... huh? The decision was to form "mood:doom" for "all things doomy" and Scumfusion will be more about grindcore in the future as possible (and yes, it's possible). This "mood:doom" project will share the same world that last Scumfusion release started - the realms of Lossidia, space / scifi elements. What that means then? It means ... that "mood:doom" will be scifi doom metal. And that makes both me and Timo excited.
Yes, if you recognized that name, you could perhaps guess that the lineup is very much the same one than with Scumfusion. But this will be different at least in one way from musicians' point of view ... initially I'm composing, recording the guitars and doing rough sketches for drums - Timo will be recording bassguitars and live drums. That has been the plan so far anyway. There will be also lots of synths, machinery, ambient elements. By both of us perhaps, things are quite open.
I designed & drew the "mood:doom" band logo (which you can see faintly in this blog, too) as late spring 2010 went forwards. The logo got finished around middle of June. Musically nothing has been recorded yet, if not counting few riff ideas - so far one massive riff has born with 1 riff per month tempo, since May. The riffs are slowly forming backbones for first three songs. As it's doom, scifi doom if you may, the stuff is slow and heavy. The last riff idea was born .. yesterday, so I thought it's time to put up this blog, too, by now. All the main riffs have so far been born in the wilderness with jamming by acoustic guitar only. Vision of scifi doom is slowly, slowly taking its' shape ...