Sunday, October 6, 2024

It is released ... and appearing into streaming media services in very near future

The release date is here. Unfortunately the single is still in queue at, not much I can do about it ... but I just released the single at Bandcamp so you'll find it < here > easily.

I also released the visual lyric video for the single at < youtube > and it's embedded below, too.

It will be appearing into streaming media services in coming days, hopefully the delay isn't too long ... but it will start appearing as soon as CDbaby gets their job done. 


Friday, October 4, 2024

Lyrics for 'Atzsypellbian doom'

I thought to release the lyrics for the forthcoming single some days in advance too, as a little doomin' teaser for ya. 

Remains to be seen if the release date goes as planned, 6th October 2024, as the single is still in the inspection queue at to my surprise, ... well, hopefully it won't be delayed much anyway. Bit surprising I'd say, considering Scumfusion's full album with 20 songs (not single like this one) went through the inspection queue in some days. Oh well, let's hope the inspection happens during next 24 hours ... even if it goes like that, right now I'm not sure if the single appears to the streaming media services on October 6th. Well, it will appear on M4D's bandcamp page for sure in time since I'll release it myself manually there.

In any case, back to the matter of lyrics ... here goes, them doomy lyrics below. 


'Atzsypellbian doom'

Into the void went cursed Atzsypellb
Cosmic woe for their carnival of doom
Twisted face turning into the planet's end
Tiniest changes make dimensions bend

The universe laughs a wicked glee
As Atzsypellb descends into its knees
Cosmic circus for a macabre sight
As planet's light fades into grey blight

Aliens watch with a morbid glee
Turning the planet's fate they will see
A cosmic spectacle a twisted game
Planet Atzsypellb's end they acclaim

The universe laughs a wicked glee
As Atzsypellb descends into its knees
Black space circus for a cosmic sight
As planet itself vanishes in front of our eyes

Time for final act, a sick cosmic jest
As Atzsypellb's all life is put to rest
Tragic farce for them all, it’s a cosmic joke
As the planet crumbles, it’s a final stroke

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Visual lyric video will be released, too

I will release a visual lyric video in youtube for 'Atzsypellbian doom' (which is under works) single the same day the single is released.

And I will post about it here, too, naturally.

Towards the single release

The release date is set, the single was submitted to CDbaby system today. If all goes well, the single is released and available through streaming medias worldwide from 6th October 2024 forwards. It happens to be also the birthday of my dad, who passed away in late 2022. It's not a coincidence.

The single is continuation of a story for Scumfusion piece "Planet of Atzsypellb" and well, ... this is a lot more darker tale, scifi doom, whereas Scumfusion's scifi grinding piece was more of should I say a lighthearted "imagination is flying" tale of sorts. Well, this is not like that, not musically nor lyrically and the single's name itself paints a picture:

Atzsypellbian doom

I'll write more as things progress, but the release date is soon here so soon you'll experience that dragging scifi doom piece with your own ears.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Some years have passed

Look how fast time flies ... it's been almost 3½ years since I last wrote here.

Very recently I released Scumfusion album ('Achromatic horridness', you can find it via streaming media services worldwide) and well, that has musically speaking nothing to do with Mood:Doom. Of course as grind is opposite to doom. But there is that one special connection, which is ... the very same theme ... Scumfusion is "scifi grind" as I've labelled it for ages, pretty much since 2006 and "under exoriant light". While Mood:Doom has always been, since the day one in 2009/2010 "scifi doom". There are cases where the scifi tales have cross references with these projects. Which I find as cool thing, in many ways.

So, what just happened ... is that one new Scumfusion tune, which tells a tale about a planet of Atzsypellb, well, I suddenly got a vision for writing an extra tale about that planet and then I noticed I have lyrics here. While I was writing I could feel a slow, pulsating drum beat and I started arranging the vocals in my mind already (!) ... I went and crafted drum base, and did fast vocal arrengement tests - and yeah, seems that I have a doom metal song under works here. And it has a song title already, too, as well ... ha! :)

What this means, is that quite likely there will be a Mood:Doom single coming out in near weeks. The song might be ready faster than I even think, because I have strong vibe that the riffs will come as easily as lyrics and drums came, already. Feels great! 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

'Down to earth' is released !

The new album 'Down to earth' is already available at least in Spotify, Youtube music, iTunes, Amazon music, etc.

I also manually released the album at Bandcamp where I can submit front & back cover artworks as well as graphical lyrics set (PDF) for the package, so if you want to see / get those, check out the release at Bandcamp.

It is done. Enjoy ! 

As I've been writing about posting the lyrics also here into the blog, I'll do it right now with this post.

1. Heaving earth

Earth's core glowing through time
Glowing point multiplies like designed
Earth's core one glowing domain
Grand design heading towards pain

Inhuman rallying on earth's surface
Underneath lies gigantic furnace
Life goes on and on this earth's surface
Giving planet earth one hell of service

Earth's core growing through time
Growing point multiplies like a design
Earth turns into one glowing domain
Grand design heading towards doom

Inhuman rallying on earth's surface
Underneath lies gigantic furnace
Life goes on and on this earth's surface
Giving planet earth one hell of service

Dismal to be alien watching as the earth keeps heating
Crestfallen aliens observing as the earth starts burning
Dismal to be alien watching as the earth keeps heating
Crestfallen aliens observing as the earth starts burning

Heat burn detox and clean
This earth is suffering
Heat burn detox and clean
All this was foreseen
Heat burn detox and clean
This earth is suffering
Heat burn detox and clean
All this could had been prevented

2. Void entities

Particles float inside massive wormhole
Timeless beings blocked by transverse wall
Ships passing by lights flashing worms' eye
Existing factors counted through the cosmic sight

As worms enter their endless tunnel
Anything around them shall plain crumble
Travellers of time and space continuum
Existing life flips void morphs minimum

Worms - Morph - Life - Death
Travellers - Enter - Endless - Space
Beings - Float - Through - Wormhole
Confirmation - Flash - Content - Reset

Death - Life - Morphing - Worms
Space - Endless - Enter - Travellers
Wormhole - Through - Floating - Beings
Resetting - Content - Flash - Confirmed

Particles float through massive wormhole
Timeless beings through transverse wall
Ships passing through flashing worms' eye
Existing factors reset through the cosmic sight

As worms enter their endless tunnel
Worlds around them no longer exist
Travellers of time and space continuum
Existing life transforms void infinitum

3. Planetary autopsy

Dead world scarred, surface lifeless
Dead world silenced, surface sightless
Dead world spineless, surface lightless
Dead world soulless, existence hopeless

Planetary autopsy, main body biopsy
Planetary autopsy, self made biopsy
Planetary autopsy, underground necropsy
Planetary autopsy, underground necropsy

Dead world scarred, surface lifeless
Dead world silenced, surface sightless
Dead world spineless, surface lightless
Dead world soulless, existing in darkness

Planetary autopsy, main body biopsy
Planetary autopsy, self made biopsy
Planetary autopsy, underground necropsy
Planetary autopsy, underground necropsy

Planetary autopsy, main body biopsy
Planetary autopsy, underground necropsy
Planetary autopsy, self made biopsy
Planetary autopsy, underground necropsy

The end is no longer near, the end can be seen right here
What caused this devastion, what unbalanced equation?
Dead world silenced, surface lightless
Dead world soulless, lost in darkness

4. Through alien eyes

Alien smiles and gazes downwards
Another earthling doped and prepared
This one is no worse than the others
Ready for the ultimate inspection ritual
Goal set for searching the final answers
Nothing is certain for this earthly species
Strange machines hummer in the background
Surgeons floating high up in the air resound

Alien signals and comes downwards
Another race ready to be operated
This one is no better than the others
Ready for the high tech inspection ritual
Goal set for searching the real answers
Nothing is certain for this unearthly species
Strange machines hummer in the background
Surgeons floating next to the human compound

Nano scalpels draw near
Target dreaming no fear
Locks broken secrets open
Black heart of earthling

Through alien eyes
Mankind should arise
Through human eyes
Mankind shall demise

Spaceship lifts up flies above horizon
Football in space earth was the name
Insects taken over planet up in flames
First it was heating next it was burning
Root of all the evil mankind's primeval action
Demolized black earth needs no caption
Through alien eyes mankind should arise
Through earth's eye man deserves demise

5. Space funeral

How could you explain all these feelings
Like massive black hole replacing the heart
Everything once loved is victim of restart
Shroud of nothingness drops over everything

Things that living creatures witnessed in light
Local solar system enters the eternal blight
Silent notes flowing inside the darkest point
Time itself locked out for another cosmic exploit

Solar system entombed
Space funeral finetuned
Beginning this one's end
Errors found in megatrend

Space funeral finetuned
Solar system entombed
Finishing this one's end
Unable to make amends

How could you explain all these feelings
Like massive black hole replacing the heart
Everything once loved is victim of restart
Shroud of nothingness drops over everything

Things that living creatures witnessed in light
Local solar system enters the eternal blight
Silent notes flowing inside the darkest point
Time itself locked out for another cosmic exploit

Space funeral finetuned
Solar system entombed
Beginning this one's end
Errors found in megatrend

Solar system entombed
Space funeral finetuned
Erasing system completed
Begin the space funeral

6. After anomalous extraction

Before the portals of time
Opened very last time
Extraction was decided
Every factor calculated
After the portals of time
Closed very last time
No trace left behind
Experiment that had failed

Seen the portals of time
Appearing very last time
Retraction attraction
Elemental calculation
Seen the portals of time
Appearing very last time
After the portals of time
Closed the very last time
No trace left behind
Experiment that had failed

7. Debris and decay

Debris and decay, what all became
Debris and decay, accept all shame
Debris and decay, none shall complain
Debris and decay, afraid to embrace

Now that the solar system has been cleaned
Virus of warkind totally annihilated
Certain energetic elements floating up in space
Silent celebration of this experimental demise

Debris and decay, accept all the same
Debris and decay, admit the mistake
Debris and decay, look at the terrain
Debris and decay, failed to upgrage

Silent celebration of this experimental demise
Certain energetic elements floating up in space
Virus of warkind totally annihilated
Now that the solar system has been cleaned

Debris and decay, what all became
Debris and decay, accept all shame
Debris and decay, no more charade
Debris and decay, absurd to escape

Now that the solar system has been cleaned
Virus of warkind totally annihilated
Certain energetic elements floating up in space
Silent celebration of this experimental demise

Debris and decay, you will be amazed
Debris and decay, you will be betrayed
Debris and decay, you will try to dictate
Debris and decay, you will just deprave
Debris and decay